Congratulations to DoubleL!

Congratulations to @DoubleL for his first proposals to the challenge!! Don't hesitate to go and see his more than original creations and always to die of laughter thanks to his references to the films of our childhood!! See the proposals 

Be careful, the bar is high this year!! We look forward to seeing the next proposals:) Who will be the big winner of the challenge??  

It's up to you to play ;)

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Hello Coralie,

Small question about the challenge, we would have liked to participate, but the problem is that it is noted that to participate you have to live in France, and we live in Switzerland.

The question is, will we still be able to participate? (even if we are that according to the rules we will not receive a prize)
Just to participate and share some ideas that might be interesting:)

Thank you for your future answer:D

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Thank you very much! I can't wait to see the other proposals too, I still have a few in mind...


I have to find time and today it's a rare commodity.

PS: I can't get to the proposal.

may the force be with you.




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Hello @Centor 

Indeed, for administrative reasons it is preferable that the competition takes place in France, but you can still participate with pleasure! :) In view of the current situation, gifts will be sent by post so no problem;)

@OBI WAN, I have no doubt that you will find time, I am looking forward to your creation!!


@OBI WAN, I put the proposals here so you can see them until the problem is solved! These creations from films from our childhood make me think directly of Star Wars;) 

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Hello @doubleL      ;-)

Small question is it the minion copter has already flown because as there is no counter rotor the cute chti will turn on itself especially in view of its cylindrical shape so without roughness that otherwise would have prevented it from turning.

I don't know if in the contest it is planned that the UFO must fly :but if it is the case you have until December to do the counter-rotating   ;-)   ;)

Kind regards

PS: I love the idea of using Scrat's teeth as a hook for the rubber band. I also liked the blues print on Groo's desktop.


Hello @Zozo_mp

Gru hasn't tested his MinionCopter yet but I believe the file is in the list of pending files on his 3D printer :-D

On the other hand, as far as "volability" is concerned, Dr. Néfario has doubts too....


Hi all 

New week and new proposals!! Congratulations again to Double L for his 3rd proposal and a big congratulations to ac cobra 427 who joined the competition!! Already 2 people on the podium, who will be able to dethrone them? ;)

Good luck again to all!! Have a good day, Coralie :)


Hello @ all

I'm in an intense gamberge phase and I'd be one of the challengers since it's a challenge  ;-)

It's going to hit hard      (TADAaaaa) which doesn't mean that it will be as nice as the model of @DoubleL dubbed by Doctor Néfario not to mention that of @ac cobra because of which I risk making a tintin.

A clue that I have already given with the title of the project I would present: Plastisérius Ruberus Flapiss Elegantum (I should add "Long Range").

Other clues: 
a) this is the name given to a 4th generation MALE Drone
b) it can deceive the enemy in drone version by its non-stealth.
c) he loves fish
d) it is the Toltec hieroglyph of Atzlan,
e) His enemy is the falcon

Kind regards

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Hello @Zozo_mp 

Were you also trying your hand at riddles? :p I don't have the answer yet but I think it will be a hell of a flying machine !! I can't wait to see that:)

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great @DoubleL  !! I can't wait to see them fly!! I hope that a little video  will be posted online  for @Coralie  by the way ;-) 


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Good evening @fred, 

You just see there will be a video!! I wish I could fly them all!!  :)