MEP recording window in DXF/DWG not found


Until now I didn't have this problem but for no reason, when I want to save a drawing in .dxf, I don't have access to anything on solidworks anymore (all the keys are grayed out).

I think it's because I have to click "Ok" on the "Solidworks to DWF/DWG projection" window (the one with the color choice that normally appears after the window where it warns us that the scaling may change). The problem is there since I can't see this window anymore and I can't find it.

Do you have a solution to bring me please?

Maybe reposition the window from the solidworks command interface? (I don't know where to find it anymore or what it's called or how it works :P).

I think you went from a configuration with 2 screens to one with 1 screen?
If so, look in the Windows settings (right click on the desktop/display settings), scroll down to the bottom, under the heading "multiple displays", choose "duplicate".
Hopefully, the window should come back.

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Indeed I think the problem comes from the fact that I work with 2 screens and that I switch from one to the other my solidworks windows .

So I tested what you offered me but unfortunately it didn't work.

Thank you all the same for taking your time to answer me.