Hi all An employee was using Solidworks 2022 on windows 10 pro. Following a change of computer, he switched to Windows 11 (he is the only one to have him in the group). Since this change, when he wants to enter the properties of the welded parts (right-click on a welded part in the tree view and then " properties "), it seems that the property window opens but we can't find it. We tried the windows + right or left combinations but it doesn't help. Also, after clicking on property, it can only zoom in or move that part (all other functions are frozen). We tried with 1 or 2 screens but the problem is the same. Have you ever had this problem? If so, how did you solve it?
or, depending on the type of account, it will be here: Computer\HKEY_USERS\ (fullofdecryptions) \SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2020\User Interface\Dialogs
Have you tried to go back to SW's factory profile? (temporarily) To do this, close Sw then launch solidworks RX and click here: This will launch SW with the factory profile (not configured) for 1 boot (the next one will be redone with the saved user profile. This will allow you to see if it comes from the user profile or not, or if it is from SW (bad installation, corrupted file...)
Impossible. Either an error during the manipulation, or it's not the right dialog...
So I guess it's this dialog: uiGroupCustomPropDlg_c that affects the one called " Properties of the welded parts list". While the first uiWeldmentInfoDlg_c affects the one called " welded construction".
If it's her, I'll update the previous message.
(Note to myself: one day I will have to list all the matches)