Hello forum, I need your help.

Here I have a very long large file to open in the morning (1h00 or more) and I can't leave my SW open at the risk of having big latency. To avoid this waste of time I use Team Viwer and I open the morning from home when I wake up but I can't impose that on my colleagues.So I thought of creating a .BAT file that I could drag into the Windows Task Scheduler that would open my SW file. That's where I need you because I've tried a few things but without success.

Thank you in advance.

May the force be with you.



 Hello OBI WAN,

With the following lines in the .bat file it should work:

chcp 28591 > nul

START "C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\swShellFileLauncher.exe" "C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\Temp\0033445566.SLDPRT"

Then you create your Windows task to launch this file .bat at the desired time.

Remember to change the file name to your own...

Kind regards



At the top nickel it works on the other hand I can't put the server link but I got around the problem by making a shortcut that I placed under my "c" and there it works. A big thank you to you.

may the force be with you.