.bak File

Hello everyone,


On Draftsight, every time I save a document, a .bak file is created.


I would like to know how to disable this feature.


Thank you and have a good day;)

We can't, it's a restore file created automatically just in case, like on Autocad.

Try unchecking the autosave boxes:

from the TOOL menu






Well done:)

Hi all


This is not a restore file!


This is actually the version of the DWG file before the recording. It therefore does not include the latest amendments.


To recover it, simply replace the BAK extension with DWG.




Indeed, the .bak file is an automatic backup file, which therefore, as its name suggests, comes to save automatically with a regular delay. it seems to me every 20 or 25min by default.


It will therefore not save the changes since the last autosave.

It allows and replaces the extension .bak with another, such as . DWG, to retrieve the last automatic backup, if, for example, there is a handling error during a recording.

Or even quickly go back on work.


Namely, this file .bak, not only on draftsight.

This file can be deleted, if your last plan is validated and saved in a database.

Be careful, you are confusing 2 concepts!


Clarification above all, I refer to AutoCAD not knowing Drafthsight.


There are 2 BAK files:


  1. The first, stored in the same folder as the DWG file, is generated when the user saves the drawing. It contains the drawing in the state it was in when it was last registered.
    Its usefulness is to be able to recover the drawing when you did not want to overwrite the original for example.
  2. The second, stored in the user's temporary system folder (C:\Users\Nom_Du_Profil_Utilisateur\AppData\Local\Temp), is generated by the automatic backup of the software (every 10 minutes by default in AutoCAD). It contains the drawing in the state it was in at worst 10 minutes ago. This file is deleted when the software is closed.
    Its usefulness is to be able to recover the drawing in case of a crash of the software while the DWG file is older or corrupted.


After that, I guess in Draftsight, it must be similar?

