Calloutformat file

Hi all

I'm trying to modify the Calloutformat file (a copy of course) to remove the "THROUGH EVERYTHING" anontation and replace it with "Deb.". The problem is that I can't find the line to modify?

Is anyone familiar with this file?

Thank you in advance, have a good day.


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This text appears because in your piece  you used through everything rather than one-eyed with a value.

may the force be with you.


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Thank you for your answer OBI WAN,

It is surely a trap, what do we do, master ? Isn't there a way to change it anyway?


Extract from a standard file:
* Thru Hole
COUNTERBORE-THRU=<MOD-DIAM> <hw-thruholedia> <hw-thru>;\
    <HOLE-SPOT><MOD-DIAM> <hw-cbdia> <HOLE-DEPTH> <hw-cbdepth>

The interesting code is <hw-thru>

I don't know how SW converted this code to "Through everything".
One possibility is to replace <hw-thru> with your text string but without warranty

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Look at the file calloutformat_2.txt I think it's in this file that you have to make the change.

I had made the modification several years ago but I have to do it again with each new version so we left it as it is and the people in the workshop got used to it.



The answer is more or less here:

You have the option to manually edit the text.

On the other hand, what I'm looking for today and that I can't find is the SW file that manages the data translations between <>.

You, for example, would like to modify the one of <hw-thru>. at worst of worst if you replace

If you ever find the place where these translations are stored, I'm a taker.

@sbadenis: there are many things in the calloutformat2 file but not the code for "through everything", on the other hand 'UNTIL THE NEXT ONE' as much as you want... 

<hw-thru> changes depending on the type of hole: you can go from "through everything" to "UNTIL THE NEXT ONE" depending on what you choose as the end condition in the 3D (the text <hw-thru> is replaced if you put a drilling depth)

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It's because I don't remember the file I had modified well, it's a very recent step!

I also have a calloutformat-ah.xml file in lang french and there is good through everything.

Be careful to save before any changes.

Even if for me the ideal is to get the people concerned used to the original SW annotations which are different from our habits but perfectly understandable.

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For a small translation, Mr. Benoit LE FRAPPER from HP had produced this document (in 2011 but surely still relevant).

See attachment.

Kind regards.


Hi all

Thank you for your answers. Thanks Maclane for the file, I'll see about it.

I'll try to make a mix of your answers to find a solution.

Have a nice day.


Hello, as mentioned above, the handling is as follows:

• Copy the calloutformat.txt file to a local folder as it is protected in its directory.

• Replace "<hw-thru>" with "Deb." on all the terms of the file with Notepad or other, there are many that take a few seconds

• Save and overwrite this new calloutformat in the SW folder, you need Admin rights for this I think.
