File cannot be saved



I can no longer save a Solidworks file.

Could you help me?


Thank you


Good evening

What message is displayed? "Registration failed"?

If so, try saving this file under a different name, and on your desktop. It's an old trick, maybe it can help you.

Which version of SW are you in?

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Good evening, unfortunately no miracle solution, if a save under does not work in general there is nothing to do...

Well, there is your file^^


Yes, as Benoit says, sometimes it works.


Take-home composition could also work.


Where does this file come from?

An earlier version or in education mode by chance?



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Good evening

I tried to save under but same problem.

I'm on SW 2014 and my problem happened when I used SW explorer to rename configurations. Since then, it has been impossible to save the slightest modification.



If you just open it and save it without making any changes, do you get the same message?

If so, all you have to do is find a backup!

If not, after this recording, try to make patterns again and save them.

There may be an external reference to the part that is problematic and makes everything buggy...

Hello, try to copy and paste your file.

and try to open it up and make your edit and save again.


you can convert it to a STEP but it will be tricky to make changes.

If your problem as you say is since you renamed via SW explorer config

try to rename the said config with another name and that said name is not too long

@+ ;-))

The file is unrecoverable. SW is working on it to understand how this happened.

Thank you all