Unsupported files PDM archiving


I installed the Toolbox on a server for collaborative use under PDM. It works on my computer but I can't manage to install it so that I can then install it on other users' homes. 


The following files do not archive: TBOX, GZ, INDEZ, DAT and XML

Can you explain to me the procedure to modify the workflow and thus be able to archive these formats?




You must have administrator rights on the EPDM basis.

In the PDM 'administration' tool, these extensions must be attached to a workflow. With us, a 'generic documents' workflow that contains only one 'archived' state.

All documents with weird extensions that we want to archive but not manage are attached to this workflow via a condition on the file name.

For example: Filepath = %.tbox

As a result, all files with 'tbox' as an extension end up in this workflow.

There is a 99%  chance that you already have this type of worklow on your database (in order to manage the basic solidworks files: notes, dimension models, etc.).

I have a first condition for this special workflow:  Filepath = !=%.sld%

This allows you to archive via this workflow ALL types of files that do not contain .sld in their extension (so I was just forced to add some new extensions created by SW between 2014 and 2020)

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