Visualize Queue


We just got a trial version of the PRO version of Visualize.

We try to generate several renders overnight , but this indicates an error.

Please see in the attachment.

As we move from the standard version to the pro version, can this affect the queue setting?

On the PJ in the options it says:

The Queue Server MUST be shut down and then reboot...

We restarted the software and then the PC but nothing helped.

If you have an idea (other than relocation as a last resort)

Kind regards.



The session using Visualize was not in admin, so I logged in as an Administrator, I restarted the Visualize queue service.

After testing, on an administrator session it works fine.

But impossible to run it on the initial session which is not admin.

So I decided to spend this session as an admin.

However, the rights to the queue folder are correct and accessible via the non-admin account, but hey.

Hoping that the original version of Visualize PRO is not affected by this bug.



Always the same problem, once again. Visualize can't render in the queue anymore and I really need to make an image urgently.

Kind regards.