Rolled Fillets

Is there a way in Solidworks (and if possible in Solidworks 2013) to automatically create a net that is not a cut thread? For example, an M10x1.5 thread would offer a Ø8.54 siting drill for a cut (75%) thread and Ø9.24 for a rolled (75%) thread?

Part Two: Would it be possible to automatically create (from additional parameters) core pin holes for these same threads?


I think some of your readers will salivate when they look at your answers.

Good luck:)

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I think it doesn't exist by default, but it can be possible with a library function (you just have to create your profile):

See also this very complete library (where you can duplicate a function to modify the profile):

Which can be downloaded here:


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or by playing with the standards of the toolbox (good luck...)

Thank you .PL and StefBeno,

      Good suggestions to dig into. The altitech solution is really interesting to try and play with but it's rather overkill (3d modeling of the net) for what I want.

   I'm going to work with the idea of Library, although I don't find this method user friendly enough for other users in the office.

   I will also check if there is not a possibility by changing the programming of the drilling generator. I have no idea how but I'll see.

  You can  understand that I don't consider the case closed but, since the pop-ups exasperate me, I'll mark the response of . Pl as having answered the question since it offers me more possible solutions.


Thank you both.

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