Flow simulation stuck on Model Preparation

Hi all 

After lacing the calculation of any experiment on flow simulation, I find myself stuck on "Model Preparation".

I have restarted my PC several times but nothing is done, the solver is stuck on "Model Preparation".

Have you ever encountered this problem? What can I do? 

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards

General considerations, not being a simulation pro:
Is it really blocked or does it seem to be no longer moving forward?
If it's really blocked, the CPU activity is zero (visible via the task manager accessible via ctrl-alt-sup).
If there is activity, how long did you wait before considering it blocked?

Have there been any updates (windows/office/sw) shortly before this problem?

Thank you for your answer,

So, I looked on the task manager, there is a small activity at the level of the EFDsolver, but much less important than usual, I have closed several times the tasks in loan or remotely related to SolidWorks but without result.

This problem has already occurred before after an unexpected interruption of a calculation, by dint of closing the programs and restarting it ended up being fixed, but this time it's been 2 days of trials and waiting without result, and for basic configurations.

It is difficult to be positive about a solution.
You can try to clean up temporary files (with CCleaner for example), there may be files that drag from previous abrupt shutdowns and that disturb it.



Thank you for your feedback, I think part of the answer is there, because by dint of cleaning up the buffer files etc, it ended up working. 

Now the calculation starts after the model has been prepared.

Thank you, Have a good weekend.

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