Plugging Function Extruded Material Removal Bug


I was warned not to use these features!

I tried and I got burned. Is there any ointment here?

I created a configuration on an assembly.

Then I used the object function.

I switched to the other configuration.

I have deleted the previously created configuration

I deleted the object function



I discovered that the assembly function led to the creation of a "material removal here* " function on each part affected by the "global setpoint".

Erasing the object function didn't erase the traces in the rooms, I end up with elements that can't be erased (pJ) and that put red everywhere.



How do I sanitize my assembly?


Thank you




-> Always try to click on the "What's wrong..." (You never know...)
- Try to make your material removals independent (See your screenshot in the available options)
(You should have done this BEFORE deleting the element used to create your assembly feature...)
- Edit your faulty component in a new window. Do not work directly in your Assembly.
- and then  break (or lock) your external references...

Kind regards.
And good luck too.....

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Bravo and thank you

"Make independent" allows you to take back control and erase when the room is opened individually at least.

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