How the site works

Sorry, but I've been participating in debates on forums for many years.

But here, on this one, I admit to losing my Latin...

No "Reply" button, even though I received 2 replies to my first post.

No button to insert an image or anything else...


I must be "idiot", but I would like to understand...


PS: Thanks to the editors of the 2 answers...


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Which browser are you on? Chrome is very recommended for the FOFO


When you ask a question, you too have to subscribe to receive

a notification of a new message on the feed (envelope next to the ?) at the top left


you have answers you can also answer yourself blue rectangle answer

-In discussion threads
This answer solved my problem earns 30 points to the poster of the answer
If you solve the question yourself via your answer it doesn't earn you any points
The + 1 earns 10 points if the answer helped you in your search
the -1 brings nothing and in theory brings nothing good on the question

You can download tutorials (tutorial tab, or (apps, tutorials & trainings))
To make comments, it's the box under the tutorial on the page of the said tutorial
to note it, it's the stars

Choosing the number according to your liking earns 10 for the poster of the tutorial

That's it, it's very simple, it's a tradition, it allows the other members to be able to evaluate this tutorial

and earns points for rewards (see Rewards tab)

After X points you get a gift

Here you know everything about the habits and customs of the site
You can ask as many questions as you want
Following someone allows you to see all these interventions on the FOFO

good evening @+ ;-)




I have a question in progress too, here's how to do it.

To answer you have an icon 'Answer at the bottom right of your question, and if you want to insert an image below the frame of your answer there is a "choose a file" icon, look at the image I inserted, on the other hand it is small sorry.




FYI also, I created a tutorial to close the question:

Go look just in case.




Good evening Viking and welcome to Lynkoa!


I'm Clémentine, the site's community manager. I take care of animating the community.


Thanks to gt22 and Mathieu (who are loyal and very active members) for their answers;)


You will find all your answers on the "Help" page of the site  : 


There are explanatory videos on how the site works.


If you have any questions, you can ask them on this group:


If you have a problem, you can report it here:


As gt22 points out, there is indeed a points system. If you are very active on the site, you will earn points and can give yourself a nice gift at the end. See here for more info: 


There is also a challenge part, you can participate by posting your creations. Winners win points, gifts or cash prizes, see here:


On Lynkoa, you can also find member groups, news on CAD, Traceparts' 3D parts catalogs, a shop...


Everything is specified in our presentation video to be seen by clicking HERE


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Enjoy your discovery of Lynkoa, see you soon:)






Personally I find this site much more practical and more welcoming than other forums.


But of course you have to get used to the slightly different way it works



Welcoming okay, but practical, I don't really agree with you.


The fact that you have to subscribe to your own question, I don't find it practical.

Same for a question that was answered.

It is impossible to follow a group or a news item without constantly scrutinizing the articles concerned.


Personally, I don't find it very practical, but it's a very personal opinion.


I agree with Pascal's opinion, I don't find the operation very intuitive, however the quality of the answers makes you forget this little detail!


Have a good day everyone


So I'm not a fan of forums (so not formatted) and so I find it very intuitive. The clean interface suits me perfectly.


As for the quality of the answers, I think we all agree on that.


I completely agree with @Pascal and @hospital


There is a lot of effort to be made on the FOFO


  1. Posting live images in the feed would allow you to better understand the topics
  2. Post videos
  3. stupid to be forced to subscribe to one's own questions
  4. The same goes for the groups
  5. a direct link to the new reply on the messages received


and I have a bunch of others.................. etc... etc... etc.......................


@+ ;-)

Ok Pascal except for subscribing to his own question, I always received a notification without subscribing to my question. Maybe a problem with the setting (see image)



Of course for notifications and mail we are missing options, but there is a group of changes to be made! Isn't that @Clémentine?


It's true that some proposals have gone unanswered, but because there wasn't much mobilization on certain subjects!


By the way, there wasn't supposed to be a major evolution of the site in April?




I didn't have any particular problems on the forum.

I always saw on the first try which buttons to press.


After that, it's true that the ergonomics are not at the top.

For example, it is impossible to see if a new answer has been given to a topic.

(The topic could appear in bold or move to the top of the list)


For a discussion of several pages, it is impossible to go directly to the end. You have to open the 1st page, end at the bottom and click on the last page.


I can also understand that the answer button that remains under the initial question can be disturbing.


But hey, you get used to it, you deal with it and you have to have the opportunity to improve.




ps: I'm not talking about the quality of the answers, already mentioned.

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Still, he admits that Lynkoa's overall is rather positive. Otherwise you wouldn't be a top contributor with more than 1000 responses and we wouldn't accumulate 5000 responses on the TOP 10! No? Yes, there are details to be settled, but let's give Team Lynkoa the benefit of the doubt. We have no doubt that they are listening to our comments!


The picture would be so bleak, there wouldn't be such dynamism in just 1 year!


@ Benoit


I only repeat on the thread the topics already developed on the improvements of the FOFO


of course the fofo is Great, Very responsive, Sharp and very PRO


@+ ;-)



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Small stone in the edifice: the functioning is very good and we cannot question the quality of the answers, we all agree.


After that, it is not easy to create an environment that can totally please so many participants.

Despite the community aspect, I don't find Lynkoa to be really a forum, in any case the general presentation does not look like it. I have actively participated on several other forums and I admit that Lynkoa shakes up habits but is very intuitive in the end.


You have to understand the system of questions / groups, etc but once acquired, it's as easy as pie.


Still a little problem with the "search" function even if I think it's improved a lot but you have to find criticisms eh? :)


Hi all


Thank you for your opinions. We note all your upgrade requests reported in the "Improvement" group.


But take into account that Lynkoa is only 1 year old, and it's a social network (not a forum). Even if gt22 persists in talking about the "fofo" ;) 


We are aware that there are many changes to be put in place. Ideas flow every day in our offices too! However, we don't have an expandable budget, and developing new features is very expensive. We have chosen to reward our members, it is also a budget for us.


Each site that is just starting out has its share of bugs and evolutions to think about. For those who knew Facebook in the beginning, it was very different from today... with bugs etc. At Lynkoa, we don't have hundreds, or even thousands, of developers at our service... hence the wait for the new features.


We do our best to meet your expectations. On behalf of the team, I ask you to be patient and above all to continue to keep the site alive as you do. The more members we have, the more the site will grow and the more it will hope to develop its budget.


For your part, don't hesitate to sponsor, friends, acquaintances, former colleagues...


Thank you all, and see you soon  !


PS: there will be change, a little more patience:)


Well, then there's the case of the CM, it was much better with Yves...


Of course I'm kidding Clementine!! (a little touch of humor in this world of PROS, it sometimes feels good:)


Thank you jose-accessa :((



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Well yes@Clémentine


We trust Team Lynkoa, all this will continue to evolve but it's already not so bad!!

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