In the bending table with loss to the folds, on the folds close the software takes into account the sketch of the sheet metal sa means the dimension from the tip of the corner to the end of the segments, and name not the sheet metal borders as shown on the screenshot attached with the message, It means the loss at the bends is done on the 2 sides of 50 and not on the external length of 2 plies of the sheet metal so develop it and false there is a way to remedy it thank you for your answers.
The 50 and 50.02 quotations make no sense because in these bending matters what matters is the location of the neutral fiber as a function of the thickness and the bend radius.
The greater the radius and the lower the thickness, the more the neutral fiber will be in the middle of the thickness and the less the loss at the bend will be important or almost zero since the material is almost not elongated on the outer part of the neutral fiber.
The 400m runners are well aware of the difference between the inside and outside lane. They don't talk about loss at the crease and yet it's not neutral.
On thin thicknesses, the loss at the bend and depending on the radius of the Vé in the air also depends on the machine, because each bending machine has its own bending table. It depends on whether the bending is struck or not, as for example on the bending with the vee in the air for CNC bending machines, where you have much better control over bending and spring back. - (@Ac cobra could surely share his experience in his company and even better if he has machines of different brands and types.)
From my point of view, what counts is the dimension, which will be useful to the folder to check his part. So both odds of 48.85.
SW is done as on a machine, it starts from a single reference surfacewhich is the stop on the machine and distributes the rest of the material over the free length after the bend. SW did not distribute the coast on either side. 0 noted that 0.02 mm is peanuts on a theoretical calculation. If you have a metrology workshop that makes a measurement on 20 parts at a temperature stabilized at 20° and look at the real repeatability, you will be in for a surprise. Especially since if you do laser cutting and your parts are not all in the direction of the fiber (because of the nesting) you will have very significant differences on thicknesses greater than 4 mm and depending on the material of the part. So well beyond the odds of SW.
Kind regards.
PS: for fun use the solidworks "thickness measurement" tool, it's interesting you'll see.
I fully agree the software should take into account the value 48.85x2 minus the loss at the fold which and in my table but it is based on the 2 odds of 50? The dimensions that count for a bender, it's the outer side of the sheet once bent because for the control of the folds it's easier especially with a close angle, its the fact that from angles less than 90° (close angle) the table can't be used?
Be careful, it is precisely in angles of less than 90° that the loss at the crease is the most noticeable! The outer side of the folds will be more stretched in the case of <90°
To see how the loss at the fold is taken into account, we must start from the flattening and not from the folded object. Modulo everything I recalled about the impact on the meaning of the fiber of sheet metal in real life.
Hello again for me, it's not time to know the value of the loss the problem is that in a table "loss at the fold" so deduction, at the beginning the software does not take the right value to subtract the loss for angles <90° the loss anyway this one that we entered at the beginning in the table.
It would need another column as in a table of "calculation of the folds", used the tangent length, the validated by" yes in front of each angle wanted to see if it works, I don't know how you do for these angles <90° your ideas will be welcome thank you
Yes solidworks does start from the tip which is normally inaccurate, so I measured the difference between the 50.02 and 48.85 and adds it to the loss at the bend in order to have the same development as with the bend chart. This is true for all acute angles
Hello everyone I looked at the link of gt22 very explanatory, on solidwork we forget the tangent for the consideration of the loss at the bends we have to take it into account with the angle at <90° we just have to add to the loss the difference, between the fictitious length and the tangent length it is true that its made of big value the closer we get acute angle, The essen ciel is only its walking! It 's a big difference with Topsolid in the workshop I work with Topsolid Design and Top Fold and Sheet Metal of Topsolid V6 for 22 years yes I am a metalworker by training I program an electric punching machine and I am a folder too, I also do CAD but on Topsolid the fact of being on your forum is is that my design office is on soliworks so I try to understand this software because in the workshop when I see the parts drawing in solidworks and that you have to pass them in topsolid , sometimes it's not a win! This explains my interest in this forum again thank you for your help.