CATIA V6 Features

Hello please! What are the main features of CATIA V6? And what are these functions available? In CATIA V6 do we find PLM AND SGDT, what are their roles? Thank you for your attention to my questions!!

See this link which totally corresponds to the question asked




The answer published earlier is no longer entirely accurate.

At the time, we were presented CATIAV6 as a collaborative platform based on EnoviaMatrixone.

Since then, Dassault has renamed it "3DExperience platform".

The CatiaV6 R20 CAD software...

You will find the commercial information on the website

So a 3DExperience offer (PLM, ETC)

A CAD V6 offer




A little late, I arrive on this forum, to answer.

But be careful, depending on the subcontractor chain of the client(s) for whom you work, you must distinguish 2 different generations of CATIA in terms of interface and or scope of action...

Up to the V6 R2013X, it's "similar" with the V5 with a compass in the center and at the bottom of the screen and since the R2014X, we talk about 3DExperience, the compass is at the top left with a redesigned interface (the scope of action is variable...)

The 2 remain iso-functional with respect to the CATIA modeler .

To do PLM in real time, you have to pay attention to what is requested (version of CATIA...) in the CAD data exchange convention.


Valid for V5-6 R201x and soon for SolidWorks...