White Background with Photo Studio


To create an image of my CAD, I typically use Tools --> Capture. But, the quality of the image obtained is not very good (image < 1 MB)

Also, I try to follow a piece of advice that Franck gave me, namely to go through the Photo Studio module.

This module doesn't look very complex to me and allows me to get high quality images (I can take photos > size 3 MB and therefore with a good resolution).

On the other hand, unlike the snipping tool, I don't see an option to put a white background.

Does anyone know how to put a white background with this tool ? In my opinion, there is surely an option that should allow this in the module.

Thank you in advance for your advice.

Past posts related to this issue of creating high-quality images:




Have you tried to save as and save as pdf or pretend as if you were printing and you choose in pdf.