Force Ground via Part Family

Hi all

I can't force the ground of a part via the part family.
I followed the instructions on this page but it doesn't work.

When I leave the part family, the ground on the active configuration is changed but not for the other configurations...

Any ideas?

Hello twathle,

For my part, I use the properties of the part to its respective configurations.
But indeed it's manual for me, but I'm interested in knowing how to do it differently.
To be continued.

I've tested, I think you need to change the mass properties options in each configuration to replace them.


Thank you @Cyril.f !

The following steps work:

  • Override Mass Properties for All Configurations
  • Edit the part family to create the "$SW-MASS" column
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Not sure I understood but if in the properties it's basic "SW-Masse@xxx.SLDPRT" it propagates by itself in the different configurations and therefore the value updates automatically.
However, you probably need to activate the "Add reconstruction on Save brand" function so that each configuration is rebuilt and the automatic mass calculation is updated.
Be careful with the number of configurations because it can quickly lead to long recording times.