dmx format

Hi all

I've been using solidworks 2017 for a short time.

To send my parts to manufacturing, a machinist asks me for a DMX format!

Do you know this format?

If so, how can I export them with solidworks?

Thank you for your answers.



It's a format that I don't know, you can send it in parasolid or step. These are neutral formats on all the software open..

Thank you.

On Monday morning, I called him to ask him if the WWTP was suitable.


Question solved: the "dmx format" is a kind of name to send them a 3D format readable by all software: STP, IGES. (neutral file)

Machinist's language!

Thank you

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The goal is not to validate yourself as the best answer, but the one who gave it.

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@ac cobra

Your answer is not really correct, because a DMX format does not correspond to the STEP, but as He says, it corresponds to a language to define a neutral format...

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Then I think that the most important thing is that there is the solution in the best answer, the rest after... (This is just my opinion:) )


Have a nice day



That's right, DSL had a bad start to the week and the main thing is that it solved the problem. ^_^