Excel Formula



I have a request concerning a formula search on excel,


On the attached image, I have a list of deal numbers and I am looking to know the total of quotes won, pending or lost depending on the year...


I already have the formula to list the number of won for example, "NB.SI(Table2[Status]; "won")" I lack the integration of the data on the year of creation.


Thank you for your help.

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A condition of the following type is used:


=if(year(B2)="2013"; valeur_si_vrai; valeur_si_faux)



Where valeur_si_vrai is the basic formula (if the year is in column B).



In fact, it doesn't work!


You should use:


=NB.SI. ENS(C:C;"won"; B:B; 2013)


if the status is in column C and the year in column B using the formula =year(cellule_où_se_trouve_la_date)


With this formula, it is possible to have as many nested "nb.si" as you want.


You would have to add a column with the formula =CONCATENATE(B1; YEAR(B2))


B1 being the cell with "won", "lost", ... and B2 the date of the quotation


This would give "won2013", "lost2012", ...


Then go back to the formula with =NB.SI(Table...; "won2013") and so on

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Perfect, both solutions work.


Thanks for the info...


By any chance if you have a support explaining the excel formulas I'm all for it...



There are many Excel formulas:


Clicking on the "fx" in the Excel edit line already allows a keyword search.


Otherwise, see here:


Yes indeed...


Thank you in TT cases for your help.

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A pivot table is simpler and fulfills the function perfectly. (see attached image)


