FORUM: There was no 404 CMS page configured or found


For some time now, as soon as I click on a tutorial to consult it, I have this message:

There was no 404 CMS page configured or found.

What's the problem?

Do others also have the same thing?

Thank you


Same problems since I no longer have a mycadservice privilege account. Some tutorials go to the ace 


Hello Alain,

For problems and bugs concerning the site, please report them in the dedicated group:

Regarding this bug, please specify the URLs of the tutorials, which we were looking at more closely.

Thank you, have a good day.



Could you take a screenshot or let us know where you click so that we can identify the problem or provide an explanation?

Kind regards


I have this problem for all the tutorials.

As soon as I click on the header to view it, this page appears to me.

There you go


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I can repeat the problem at home too!

I go to the "TUTORIALS" tab, I click on the first one for example "How to install Catia v5 r21" from @othyjoui and I get the message like Alain and Gerald.

And this from IE or Chrome.

Here are the tutorials that cause problems (with a red cross):