Split a revision table


Does anyone know how to split a revision table?
I'm still in the 2020 version but soon in 2023, is it feasible with this version?


It's not possible to split a revision table (or else I'm missing an option...).
What is usually done is to display only the last 3 revisions using the Hide/Show imagetable command.
If managing the revision table with SW PDM Pro, the number of revision rows to display can be managed in the settings: Revision Table Dialog Box - 2021 - SOLIDWORKS PDM Help

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Like you, I didn't find the option...

We are in the process of integrating a cover page that allows digital signature through our document management system and we thought for the occasion that we would have better traceability of changes.
Using the revision table seemed interesting, but it will end up with a general table :slight_smile: