Generative sheet metal design : repliage

Hi all

I discover the catia v5 sheet metal module, and I encounter a problem using the folding function.


I am trying to bend a sheet metal with a certain angle, while keeping the central face without creases. I can only do it with a 90° angle, except I would like 110° but the following error message appears: 

"folding cannot be calculated from the parameters entered, tried by modifying the input parameters"


Thank you in advance


You are the one who has already made the fold on the other side??? In fact you want to have 1 side at 90° and the other at 110?


Here are some tutorials that might help you:

Yes, I made the first side at 90°, now I'm looking to have the second one at 110°.


Thanks for the tutorials .PL but they don't explain the function I'm trying to use in my case. Maybe I should proceed differently then 

Have you ever tried with 70° or moving the plaice line???

By chance, at 110° the two sheets don't overlap?

Because could be a cause of Catia's refusal

I've tried a lot of angle, 90 is the only one that works. I tried to move the plaice line but nothing changes

And build your part without a sheet metal function and then convert it after you have completely finished it???  



At 110° the sheets do not overlap.

I will try in the evening to build it without a sheet metal function and then to have it recognized

And if you apply the fold to both parts and then unfold the middle part, it doesn't work?


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see this link Generative Sheetmetal Design

you will find X comments for the sheet metal under catia

@+ ;-)

I don't know the module but it can come from the management of the loss at the crease (quite a problem with all the CAD software that has no approach to the problem, especially from an interface point of view).

Thank you .PL it worked this way.

Thank you gt22 for this very interesting pdf and thank you all for your help

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