Configuration management with equation


I have a room A that has several configurations (Length 10mm, 20mm, etc)

In an assembly, can I activate a configuration of my part A by an equation like:

"If part length B = 20mm, then Part A Configuration = 20mm"


Thank you

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You can do this with a family of rooms, more practical than configurations

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Yes, but a family of rooms generates room configurations.

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It's true, it would mean that your two rooms have configurations, I thought it was. The length of your room B is variable but without configuration?

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There's probably a solution here:

Edit: or you can try to use the free version of DriveWorks Xpress which is totally suitable for this case.

Edit: the right link:

Old link:

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Yes my it's me who assigns a value to my part B, it doesn't have a config.


I'm looking at this...

as @.PL I advise you to use driveworks Xpress it makes things easier in your case I pence

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I no longer manage room B by configuration.

I no longer manage my room by configuration