File Management


I wrote a program with features to rename, move, search for files or folders without losing the links.

This is an executable.

On your hard drive, for example in the "My Documents" folder, create a folder in which you place the Bibotac.exe file.

Then, launch the executable by double-clicking on it.

When the message "Index not available! You shoul'd rebuild" click OK.

Now select the folder you want to index.

The program will create an index of all the Solidworks files present in this folder and its subfolders with all the links between these files (We have a main folder divided into subfolders representing the different cases with a total of 140000 Solidworks files and it takes about 20 min to index the whole thing the first time and less than five minutes during later uses where only an update to day is required.)

I am also attaching an explanatory PDF.


What do you want us to do? Beta testers?


@remrem attention in beta tester there is beta ;-)

ok I ...... Get out quickly



I think the tutorials section is more appropriate for this style of utility:)
Unfortunately it will be lost in the middle of thousands of tutorials that are only links to youtube while we are all able to do a Youtube search!



@gt22: Thank you for leaving a note before leaving.

@remrem: I'm not looking for a tester. The program has already been tested, it is mainly intended for those who think that Soliworks explorer is a bit slow to find use cases and rename files or folders.



App to potential. There's an idea.

To be completed, for example,

- an identical 'take-home composition' tool or duplicate a study with prefix or suffix.

- Check if an assembly has all the files that make up the assembly.

- compare 2 files if identical or evolution

Are you ready to share the sources? for adding some custom functions.



Thank you for making available.

I take and would test it on occasion.

In the suggestions, know which config is used by whom. It should increase the processing time a little but I'm willing to accept it.

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Nice sharing.

A bit useless a priori for us who have switched to EPDM but can really provide services to those who have not (use cases can always be useful).

While you're at sharing, put the sources if possible (this will allow other budding tinkerers to fork or maintain your tool)

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I am well aware that there is little interest in this programme.

I'm still going to continue to develop it.

I added some functions

  • Rename the drawing at the same time as a part or assembly
  • Ability to rename  an assembly and its components.
  • The search for duplicates is done directly by right-clicking on a folder.

I also want to make it clear that the day I want to spread a virus or whatever, I won't do it by signing my name.

For the record, I published on the Solidworks forum ( with more than 14000 views and still no complaints.


Personally I find your file very interesting

that I will open to do tests

and thanks for sharing

@+ ;-)


I have made some improvements to my program.

  1. Ability to rename from a spreadsheet with two columns (Old Name & New Name)
  2. A "Tracking"  function that allows you to directly manage Solidworks files and folders with Windows Explorer ("Drag/Drop"; "Cut/Paste"; "rename" Solidworks files or Folders) without losing links.


A new update compatible with SW2018 and SW Document manager 2018 + some improvements.

  1. Mass printing of all drawings in a folder and its subfolders or all drawings of parts used in an assembly with multiple memorable print profiles.
  2. Bulk export of all drawings in a folder and its subfolders or all drawings of parts used in an assembly.