RAM management used and available for PDM solidworks

Hello, we have workstations in windows 7 with 16 gb of RAM and others in windows 10 with 32 gb of RAM.

In either case, when I approach the 7.5 gb of RAM used I get a message telling me a lack of memory resources.

However, I have at least 8gb left on my Windows 7 workstations and 24Gb on Windows 10 workstations.

Is there a solution for windows to allocate more RAM memory to Solidworks?


Thank you.


Olive tree



Can you attach your error message?

Kind regards 


Unless you have assigned a max distribution to another application (degree of priority),  windows whatever the version dynamically allocates memory to running programs. However, GPOs (Policy object groups) can, depending on how they use, modify this dynamic allocation (especially with Windows Server)
What I noticed is that SW forcibly assigns himself spaces and degrees of priority (according to the principle, if he has for two, there are mostly none for me), which means that when some programs run very little, if at all, resources for the other programs.
That said, 24 Giga is not much compared to what is recommended by SW.
If you want to have an idea of the memory resources, you have to look with the task manager at the processes in memory (You will see that you have on average 40% or more that are already used outside of SW which is already 356 Giga.).
This is without taking into account the virtual memory available.
In addition, it is not excluded that the solidworks programmer put something that looks at the memory and compares it to the maximum recommended value so if not = them display message to the.

Other points apart from the message "monitor resources" can you work normally or does it lag like the galley slaves.

If you are not slowed down regardless of the amount of RAM then you can modify or delete the message of "monitor resources"    (the following is done from W10 Pro single station)
At the bottom of your screen (in principle on the right one eu before the date) you have a small icon "resource monitor"
==) Left-click on it ==> a message appears==> if you hover over the message with the cursor appears a tiny "parameter" icon and there you have two choices
1°) deactivate all notifications (which is like telling Vindoze: go to the doghouse and stop breaking them for us), or
2° ) you access the "notification settings"

Unless you yourself are an informed computer scientist and working daily in this environment, I advise you to see with your computer scientist and especially the one in charge of the PDM server.
The cure should not be worse than the disease ;-)

Kind regards

Hello thank you for your answers, here is one of the messages I have (see attached file.


I specify that this message appears when I have 8  gb of RAM used while my PC has 16gb of RAM.

I have another message that intervenes from time to time on my graphics card driver but since my message I haven't had it anymore so I can't make you a screenshot.

Thank you for your help




And here's a new resource issue message.




Thank you
