Project Management

Hello everyone,

Certainly a stupid question for some but hey it's blocking for me.^^

I would like to start a new project using a basic architecture that includes:

- a head folder

- sub-folders that themselves include parts, assembly and plans.


I would like to bring the name of new project to all the components of the subfolders and thus cut the link with the basic architecture. The modifications of this new project will therefore have no impact on the basic architecture...

Is there a trick?


If you already have an existing project with a certain architecture and you want to copy this project by changing the name and removing the link with the base architecture, then maybe doing a "Pack and go" (formerly called "Composition to go") would be the solution. 

When you make a Pack and go (File -> Pack and go), change the name by using the "Select/Replace" button or by adding a suffix/Prefix. If you want to keep the folder architecture, check the box next to 'Flatten to a minimum number of folders'.

At the top of the window you can choose whether you want to import the drawings as well.

Then you specify a target folder and start recording.

A copy of your entire project with the new name and no connection to the old one will be created.

Hoping it helps,




Thank you for your responsiveness!!

I opened the assembly and made a pack and go.

It seems that a link still persists...

the attachment will be more meaningful


If you made a pack and go and added a suffix or changed the name, then the link should be broken. Try modifying a part and check if the initial assembly is changed or not.

Hello studies20

The link should not be confused with the file name.

In your case you added the suffix 6931 so (TOTO) is not equal to [TOTO]6931

These are two different file names. So no mixing possible at the level of the new ASM.

Our eminent colleagues Gautik67 ;-) 
says { Change the name using the "Select / Replace" button } but as your old files end with [base] it will tell you if it is possible to remove this word before adding your new suffix "6931"

Kind regards


By making a pack and go by subfolder, it's doable. all you have to do in the columns is to tinker with the references by making an undo and replace xD

well it's not very academic but it unblocks me^^

Well done!

the requester takes the best answer (this is not a rare case by the way)

It's Mr Ducros who will be happy! You know the one who goes crazy!

Etude_20 should make a tutorial.