Managing Concurrent Use Licenses


I have the option of floating licenses, the installation of SOLIDWORKS 2018 SP04 is done on both server and pc and the license manager works well

I have a standard license and a prof. license, I have 2 questions about this management:

  • How can my users choose the type of license? By default it is a standard that is allocated
  • How can they block a "token" when they plan to work outside?  

Thanks in advance


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So from memory the pro license is specific to a PC. Clearly to use the Pro you have to use the PC on which  the Pro is installed.

For the tokens you have to go to Started Menu => SolidWorks Tool => SolidNetwork Licenses => Choose License Borrowing and a Duration.


may the force be with you.


Here is a small methodology


Thank you 2

For the borrowing of licenses it's included, I "played" a little with the manager and it's ok

On the other hand, when it comes to choosing a bachelor's degree, it's always a bit unclear.

we have 1 teacher license and 1 standard, by default I have standards that load ...

I need to be able to say: I use the pro or the standard


The use of a standard or a pro is related to the add-ins launched in SW.

By default, a standard is used. On the other hand, if you want to block this pro for a given user (or a given group of users) you need to add a configuration file to be launched via the license manager.

I don't have the pdf available anymore but from memory it's in the folder below: C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\setup\flexlm\flexuser\licensingenduserguide.pdf

This folder is on the license server normally otherwise you have to look in the sources (to see if DVD media still sent by DS)


Thank you all for your feedback