Managing parameters associated with constraints in a multi-tier product


I have a multi-level assembly, i.e. an assembly that contains assemblies and then parts.

Level 1: Main Assembly

Level 2: Subassemblies

Level 3: Parts in these subassemblies

I have assembly constraints on levels 1 and 2:
at level 1: assembly constraints between my sub-assemblies,
at level 2: assembly constraints between the parts of my subassembly.

Each of these assembly constraints is parameterized so that the values of these constraints can be changed directly by parameters using formulas.


The parameters associated with the level 2 assembly constraints appear logically within the subassemblies. I'd like to show all the parameters (those of level 1 but also those of level 2) in the highest level assembly (assembly 1).

How can I create parameters in level 1 that can drive the parameters in level 2 and therefore also the assembly constraints of level 2?

I hope I've been clear otherwise I'll try to bring illustrations.

Thank you in advance for your help.



1) Duplicate (create) your user settings of the subassemblies in the higher-level assembly.

2) publish them.

3) associate by formulas the user parameters of the subassemblies on their respective publications of the highest level.



Now, I feel that you are going to teach me more things...

In fact, usually, I only used publications on wireframes (line, planes) to realize my constraints on published elements.

On the other hand, I have never used the posts on parameters. I didn't know that it was possible.

1) Can you tell me what the purpose of publication is in this case? Couldn't I have had the user parameters of the subassemblies associated with those created in the higher-level assembly directly without publishing by formulas?

2) If you can make me a little video (on a basic case), I'd be very interested.

Thank you for your help.

Good evening

When working in an assembly context, you can very quickly create links that are extremely complex to maintain over time. To avoid this, we have locked the Catia options so that you can only link to published items.

As a result, the links created by the user are necessarily desired because he has the constraint beforehand to publish the elements on which he will rely (some companies undertaken by a tool like QChecker limit the number of publications).

So the publication becomes the key to the entry and exit of the links between parts or between assembly and sub-assembly.

In fact, I liken, the publication has a shortcut to sub-elements that would otherwise be difficult to find in the different construction histories, even by the one who creates the parts or assemblies.

We realize this when we take over an old project, if we haven't made the effort to name the elements, to publish, or even to document the configuration (design intension), it often happens that we break the intelligence of the file (because we don't know how to modify it easily)


Video parameterization Length, height and extrusion profile change.




Thank you for your feedback.

"To prevent this, we have locked the Catia options so that only links can be created on published items."

--> OK, interesting. So, if I understand correctly, you create publications for all the elements (plane, line, ...) that fall within the definition of assembly constraints but also for all the parameters created.

In an assembly, you must then have a lot of publications.

Here, for me, it's a novelty. I usually use publications only on the elements that I use to define my assembly constraints.

By the way, do you create publications on other types of data?

About the video:

Maybe I'm a little tired. But, it seems to me that I see in the video that you change the value of your parameters and that they have a good impact on your assembly.

On the other hand, I don't see how you create your posts on the settings. Can you show me how you create your posts on your settings?

Thank you for your help.

In the head assembly, the user settings publications.

In a sub-assembly, the positioning publications of this sub-assembly and, if necessary, the publications of elements internal to this sub-assembly and useful outside.

In the rooms, the positioning publications (one per marker(s)).

The part that contains the most publication is the referential part (skeleton) in practice everything is published, it is its role 

Almost anything can be published, even geometry elements such as vertices:

Used to position the parts together, the role of the publication is to facilitate the location of the elements used to position the part, to guarantee the maintainability of these elements in the event of modifications (the publication is redirected to the new elements in order to maintain the coherence of the assembly constraint). Allows the interchangeability of standard components such as bearings etc, each of which has the same published elements (names, and type).

Publications are created in the assembly in the same way as in a Tools/Publication part.

It's just not the same line in assembly.