File management

Hi all

I have a growing problem in my company, which is file management.

In addition to our standard ranges, we regularly make specific machines. (The specific is linked or not to the standard)

To put it simply, when you create a new folder, you put the new pieces in it and so on. This means that file 10 can have documents from file 4, 2, 6,... (Depending on the project). We have reached the point where the assemblies of the first files are fragmented.

My wish is to start again on a good basis. (Creation of a new folder, keeping the old one of course)

My ideas:

  • Creation of a "Component Library" folder where I put all my PRT parts
  • Creating a "Subset Library" folder
  • Creation of a "Range" folder where I put the assembly of the standard machines
  • Creating a "Customer Deal" folder
  • ...
  • My fear is that the "Component Library"  folder will take too long to open with the amount of parts there will be.
  • I will need your opinions. :/


Indeed, if all the parts files are in a single directory, this will be a problem quite quickly (there was a discussion about this a few weeks ago). You have to make subdirectories by number range for example.