ENGRAVING by following the line of a sketch text

Hi all

I would like to find a way to do the engraving with Solidworks, following a sketch text? ( see photo )

Is this possible?

If so, by what means? Sweeping, fine material removal?

Thank you in advance.



You need to take another font and remove 0.1 material for it to be visible.


select the face you want then: sketch---tools---sketch entities---Text

then removal of material, 

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see example in PJ made in 2016 the marking follows according to the dimensions of the tube


Hello Cobra!

So indeed, I know this technique using another font (with 2 strips -> closed outline) but for the time being I need to keep my central line to make the part with the DXF engraving.

Thank you all the same:)

By keeping this font a burn with Sw is not possible. :-\

But when creating your dxf you can select the export of sketches in the options

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All right! 

Thank you, I'll do it like this then:)