Conditional Group - refresh the display without validation


I have a question about conditional groups.
I would like to organize my properties according to the type of room. To display some of them, to hide others. Create a display based on the type of part.

My condition works fine, the problem is that I am forced to validate the smartproperties menu (which closes it) and reopen it so that the list of folders is updated. It's a waste of time and it's not ergonomic.

Isn't it possible to dynamically refresh the property list based on a checked option?

I check "Business reference ", I have the relevant fields displayed, I check "Customer reference A", I have the properties of customer A displayed.

Kind regards

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I know smartproperties pretty well but don't use conditional groups.

For our part, we use the XML menu and the properties update well depending on the menu chosen.

For conditional files, it would be better to see directly with the hotline who will be able to advise you better than anyone else and if it is a bug they will be able to make you a correction while waiting for the next update of the utilities. Or else you can make a request for improvement if necessary.


Thank you for the answer.

It's a path that could correspond to what I want to do.

Are there any precautions to take?

If I have an XML "Client Reference A" and another "Client Reference B" with common and non-common properties;

- Are common properties saved when switching from one XML to another?

- Do properties that are not common to both XML disappear? Or should we hide properties that we don't care about from one XML to another?