Rib hatching



under Creo 5.0. In my drawing, I have a section that goes through the middle of a rib. Normally you don't cut a rib. In my plan, it is hatched. How can we do not cut it? I think you have to create the rib in the 3D in a very specific way so that Creo recognizes that it should not be cut...  


Thank you for your help.


Kind regards





There is a tutorial here that answers this question:




You have to register for free to have access.


Or this link also talks about it:



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Thank you Lucas,


I had gone to this site but I hadn't found this tutorial. On the other hand, this tutorial disappoints me a little I find that it's a bit of a bricole: they create a rib in the 3D. Use it in the drawing to draw a straight line on the profile of the rib.

Removes the rib in the 3 D: the hatching of the rib disappears. Only the line that has been graced remains. I find it average technique from a tutorial made by PTC!


Visually we have the trick but there is no longer the rib in the 3D. If we want to evolve the def it will certainly not follow. I'll look for it again, but thank you anyway.


Kind regards


In the menu that appears when you want to exclude a component from hatching, isn't there also an option for functions?

I'm not at work so no possibility to check sorry

From what I've seen, it's not possible to exclude a function. So we would have to create an assembly with the rib in pieces to be able to exclude it. So it's only possible with DIY...
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no I know there's a way to do it (already done it seems to me) but I don't have Creo before Monday!


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Well, I must have been dreaming, sorry. Apart from the DIY tutorial you found there is a way by shifting your entire cut or locally if it's possible

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There is a little trick possible by keeping a good 3D.


1 - On the drawing, you have to select the cross-sectional view and convert it into 2D entities.

2 - In the Sketch tab, you need to remove the hatch lines.

3 - Select the outline to be hatched and do Hatch/Fill.


See attached images made under Wildfire 5. The options must be available under Creo.


It is possible not to do step 2 if on the basic view, you have not made the cut. This is just to retrieve the arrows and cut text.

Or the ability to simply adjust the strokes, but in this case, it's no longer handled in crosshatching.



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Sorry to bring out the post but I have this problem under "autodesk inventor"!


Could someone please give me a clarification?


Thanks in advance