Controllable-pitch propeller - SolidWorks (bis)


Sorry, I clicked badly to gt22's answer which doesn't advance me anything since I already say that H is the total height.

That's easy to understand. It's how SW calculates this that interests me. I ask my question again:

I would like to clearly understand the table of controllable-pitch propellers.

P: corresponds to the first variable in the table, the Step.

Rev: corresponds to the second variable of the table, the absolute number of turns, i.e. cumulative.

H: is the height that SolidWorks calculates from the previous data.

And that's where I have trouble finding the way of calculating software.

Did anyone understand how to calculate the total height according to steps and turns?

I would say

1 P 20 + 2P 1= 21/2 = 10.5

2 P 1+ 3P 2 = 3/ 2 = 1.5 + 10.5 = 12

3 P 2+ 4P 3 = 5/ 2= 2.5 + 12 = 14.5

4 P  4 + 4P 3 = 7/ 2 = 3.5 + 14.5 = 18

5 P  5+ 4P 4 = 9/ 2= 4.5 + 18= 22.5 + 1/2 turn (4.5/2) = 2.25= 24.75

This is what I myself concluded




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By taking the time, I ended up understanding the why and how.

The basic idea is that the pitch is completely variable along 2 propeller sections. The height is the average of these 2 steps as a function of the number of turns.

Thank you gt22 for your help!

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