Hi all
What is the "yellow exclamation mark" icon in the ePDM tab of SolidWorks?
Thank you!
Hi all
What is the "yellow exclamation mark" icon in the ePDM tab of SolidWorks?
Thank you!
A priori it is when an assembly refers to parts of an old version.
To be seen to update this part (use the latest version of the chest).
Hi .PL,
Well I tried to get the latest version but nothing helps!
I don't work with EPDM, so just a guess. But it can't be to warn that the room is open on another workstation (read-only or full)?
Or maybe a circular reference?
@coin37coin, checked! But no, I'm the only one on the ePDM base at the moment.
And in terms of cyclical references, this play only serves me as a "set", no other play refers to it
@Aurélien, which version of EPDM are you in?
Here is the icon glossary for EPDM 2015 (EDIT WorkGroup icons!)
The yellow circle is not there, are you in another version?
Isn't this document checked out by another user? Or by yourself on another job?
To see if you find more info here:
I have only browsed the forum but they do talk about an older version.
@Benoit.LF, I'm on ePDM 2015, and I'm testing SW 2014.
You sent me the Workgroup PDM icons, maybe they are different from ePDM?
@PL, I'll go through the post!
Oops... I did a Google search without checking anymore. All the other icons are the same!
No, no, all the parts are in ePDM!
And when I right-click - Open, it opens the file that is in ePDM
I also don't use EPDM but it's not a rebuild error in the room?
A bad function or another defect in the room?
Well when I open the room in question, it has no problem
Everything is here: http://help.solidworks.com/2015/French/EnterprisePDM/FileExplorer/r_EPDM_Add_in_Task_Pane.htm?id=1de52d89a776498ea1c406aa4cab81d9#Pg0
And it has nothing to do with the nomencalture?
@Coyote, your link doesn't work.
As for the meaning of the icons, I think everything has been said. I have this icon but I don't pay attention to it anymore, the same part used in 2 sets appears with the icon in one set and without the icon in the other.
According to the help, the icon means: "The version of the file that is referenced by the parent file is not the most recent version." This overlaps well with Lucas' link.
So in your case, your assembly was saved with an older version than the current "ensemble-test.sldprt" component, but in your local cache you have the latest version (logo equals gray).
Thank you all, go find out why, but this morning everything is back to normal while last night I still had the problem. Mystery of computing? Server problem?
In any case, you were right!
.PL you were the fastest even if I stubbornly insisted that the problem didn't come from there:)!
Or, another explanation is that my local version is the most recent but not in the archive server! See if the archive server didn't update the room overnight (and in that case it would still be weird)
But it's a bit like "Get the latest version", you get the latest version of the archive server but not the local one (no, I didn't get fooled like that.... :) )
Didn't you archive your assembly last night, after saving it? If so, your assembly has updated as the version of your part to use the version that was in your cache, so the last one. So no more yellow sign.
If you had had a newer part in your cache than on the server, you would have had the green up arrow instead of the gray equal.
As for the night update, when I was working on 2 servers, as soon as I called on a part that had not been updated during the night (new part or request for the latest version), the transfer was done directly.