Icon Exit Sketch



It's been several days that my two little icons to leave the sketch or other functions no longer appear, despite my search impossible to get them back ...


If anyone knows how I can put them back on, this will be the best.

Subsidiary question, in my research I saw that you could, in assemblies, select in : -Display / User interface / Featuremanager tree/

By function or dependency

What are the differences between the two? If you want I can post a second question if needed.

See this link



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For the first problem it is the confirmation coin cf http://help.solidworks.com/2016/french/solidworks/sldworks/hidd_options_system_general.htm


Thank you MaD it's so simple ...


I had already found this GT22 conversation but it doesn't correspond to my request. Well it's always good to take I may try to work with it.


by default the keyboard shortcut must be the "D" key to display these icons next to the mouse, and this is much more convenient than the fixed icons.


Hello a.leblanc

Indeed D by default allows you to bring the confirmation corner back to the right of the mouse and its can be practical when I have my second hand above the desk:)


Thank you decidedly I will have learned some today.

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