Ignore Sketch Error

Hello, I imported a sketch from a dxf, it's a vehicle chassis. The sketch is full of errors, I don't want to fix it because it's too tedious and useless for me, I would simply like to ignore them (make the error pictogram disappear) to avoid having this ugly panel accompanied by a message in all the assemblies that will include this part. Version SW2012

See attached photo

I can't access any youtube tutorial or other video (forbidden by proxy)

Thank you in advance.





It's impossible not to display the "sign".


The only solution is to repair the sketch: see this question where several effective solutions are proposed:


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In the sketch, you can do Tools/Relationships/View/Delete.


In the drop-down menu, you choose "All in this sketch" and click on "Clear all".


After that, you can select all the entities in your sketch and fix them.


post your file

but if you have sketch errors you will have to fix them if you don't want to see the panel anymore that there is an error



Repair the sketch

The Repair Sketch tool finds, and in some cases repairs, sketch errors.

 Click Tools > Sketch Tools > Repair Sketch.

Repair sketch repairs automatically:

  • Small sketch entities (entities with a string length that is less than twice the value of the maximum interval)

    Repair Sketch removes them from the sketch.

  • Overlapping sketch lines and arcs

    Repair the sketch merges them into a single entity.

The Repair Sketch tool highlights these errors and provides error descriptions:

  • Sketch entity gaps or overlaps that are less than the maximum interval value specified in Repair Sketch

    Intervals or overlaps that exceed this value are considered intentional.

  • Any point shared by three or more entities

If the system finds errors of this type, you can fix them in the sketch.

Repair Sketch dialog box

Display intervals less than the maximum value that determines an interval or overlap error. Intervals or overlaps that exceed this value are considered intentional.
RefreshRe-run Repair sketch. If you have updated this sketch, click Refresh to verify that you have fixed previous errors or to find new errors.
PreviousMove on to another error.
Hide MagnifierEn/Disable the Magnifier to highlight the error in the sketch. For more information, see Using the Magnifier.
View magnifying glass


@+ ;-)



You have to Repair the sketch in order to remove all the errors and entities recovered from your dxf (courage!). Then remove all the wobbly, erroneous relationships etc ... Then, as Benoit said, you fix all your sketches or you leave it under constraint (it's up to you!).

Kind regards


as a result of the previous message


Repair Sketch dialog box

Display intervals less than the maximum value that determines an interval or overlap error. Intervals or overlaps that exceed this value are considered intentional.
RefreshRe-run Repair sketch. If you have updated this sketch, click Refresh to verify that you have fixed previous errors or to find new errors.
PreviousMove on to another error.
Hide MagnifierEn/Disable the Magnifier to highlight the error in the sketch. For more information, see Using the Magnifier.
View magnifying glass


@+ ;-)

Edit: sorry duplicate message.

If it's imported from a DWG, I think there's no relationship!


The errors would then come from the fact that there are several closed or open contours: a simple solution would then be to pass all the lines into construction lines (if this does not pose a problem to the design):

select everything with the mouse and then check "For construction" in the property manager on the left.

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@Lucas, at the moment the sketch is not assigned to a feature, so multiple open or closed contours should not get in the way (does not generate errors).


@FDUMOULIN: if everything you have been offered so far does not work, right-click "What's wrong" on your sketch and make a printscreen.

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What do you need in this sketch?

You keep what you need and erase the rest

Sketch repair

Auto Dimensioning Tool

That's it

@+ ;-)

For GT22:

As you can see from the screenshot, I have more than 3000 errors to fix, I don't see this tool fixing me just one of the errors, it just shows them to me, I can scroll through them and that's it. I can't fix 3000 mistakes one by one. By reducing the interval between 2 points to .00015 I arrive at 500 errors. Moreover when I leave the window and come back, the interval is again set to 4.3mm and 3000 errors.


For Benoit:

I don't have any sketch relationships, I've deleted them all


@FDUMOULIN: if everything you have been offered so far does not work, right-click "What's wrong" on your sketch and make a printscreen.

ok you have 3000 mistakes but what do you want to do with this sketch

switch to 3D on SW

So take what you need sketch by sketch

at the level where it must be via a view perpendicular to this view in offset sketches

your wheels are useless in your plane sketch

@+ ;-)

For GT22:

I don't want to extrude it, I just need the sketch, I save it in pieces and basta, as I said in the first message, my desire is not to repair but to make the error panel disappear that's all. Lucas tells me that it's not possible.


For Lucas:

I wouldn't mind switching to the build line, but as you can see on the attachment, when you select several or all the lines, the checkmark is grayed out, I'm really out of luck.


Can you attach the file? Which version are you in?

if it's for the visual plan of the sketch

Why not convert all the entities into a new sketch

This sketch will be clean and repairable at will

@+ ;-)

You can try a selection with a filter:



to be displayed with the F5 key: I think you can't put "for the construction" for the points, maybe that's where it comes from!

For Benoit:

SW2012 here is the file


For Lucas:

I managed to switch everything to the construction line, the box repairing the sketch no longer finds me any problem but the damn panel is still there. (see attachment) I think the carrots are cooked

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If it's just to have the sketch, selecting everything to create a block, the error icon disappears.



