Is there a difference between a bend and a counter bend on a sheet metal?


I work in industrial design on solidworks and I have to lay a detachable sheet on ehmki profiles and I am asked to make a counter-fold on the sheet metal to prevent it from deforming when pressure is exerted on it but  is there a difference between a bend and a counter-fold on a sheet metal?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


The easiest way is to ask the person who asked you to make a counterfold. The nuances of the French language are so vast that it's not easy to judge what a counterfold is in your case.

For me, no difference unless it's another fold on a fold? (Counterfold)



Yes, it's a return to stiffen the bent sheet; In your example, I think that the person wants to have a room with two more folds towards the inside of the room or towards the outside to stiffen it. 


Hello @tous

I'm not against it ;-)

For me it's a crushed fold that is to be added to the small 90° fold    Note that in addition to reinforcement it is used to avoid cuts if the edge is accessible: for example mailbox flaps.

Kind regards

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Since sheet metal pros don't have a clear-cut answer, I'll give my piece: for me, a counter-fold is rather a fold made in the other direction (like making an S).

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