Nested functions in part families

Hello, First of all I would like to point out that I almost never use excel, so my knowledge is very limited.

Let me explain my problem (see attachment): I would like to find an equation to define the dimensions of "input hauteur@bouche" according to three variables ("radius vis@vis"; "input Diamètre@bouche"; "Angle Vis@Vis")

The parts I work on are conical parts. I used to work on cylindrical parts, so I didn't have this problem, I just had to use a standard equation: =SI(ET(K3=109.5; H3<25); 255;SI(ET(K3=109.5; H3<30); 320)) ect... It was pretty simple but since I now have to use 3 variables I have no idea how to do it.


If my problem is poorly explained or if you have any questions don't hesitate!

I'm on Solidworks2018 and office 635

PS: Don't pay attention to the names of my pieces, they are not always well named, (for example "entrance Dimètre@bouche" is actually the radius ^^       My organization is approximate


Maybe with the room it would be clearer? Or a diagram with what you want to get as a result and from which variables because this is Chinese for me...

Give us one or 2 examples and then we may be able to help you.

Haha^^ I'll try to be clearer

Basically, I'd like to do something like: If the radius of the screw is X, the radius of the mouth is X, and the angle of the screw is X, then the height is X (X being any value) 

It's a bit like if I wanted to put in my "AND" function 3 variables instead of two, 

To use the equation from my post: =SI(ET(K3=109.5; H3<25; C3=109.5); 255;SI(ET(K3=109.5; H3<30; C3=109.5); 320)) basically I would like to do this but it's not possible with this function, at least, I haven't found a way to do it




You can simply add an argument to your basic function, well it seems to me that if it works for two it works for three.

On the other hand, you have to pay attention to the order of the arguments, you can also go through a buffer cell, which defines a Y according to the screw radius R and the muzzle radius P. This allows us to have only two arguments for the last function.


It can also be a little more 'readable' if one of your companions passes behind you, instead of having a cell with a 3km formula...


Kind regards

I had already tried but I just tried again, you never know.

It doesn't work for some reason. Indeed when I enter my equation a small window appears, telling me that I can put more than 2 arguments but I don't know why when I validate my equation it corrected it automatically by putting a small star before my true value and then displays in my cell "#CHAMP!"



Check the writing of your "SI" function and these arguments, I have the impression that there is mixing in the decimal separator, you put a period in your formula when it is a comma in your cell (109.5 for 109.5 for example) and it is the same in the formula you give above so it creates an error in Excel.

Kind regards

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Thanks, I'll try that!


That was it!

Thank you very much for your help!

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