Unable to install Draftsight

Hi all.


I can't install Draftsight on my laptop (windows 7 64bits). The installation starts successfully and stops with the following error message "Specified path, c:\.... , too long. This prevents the software from being installed without the possibility of making another choice.


I report that the installation file is correct.


Thank you for your answers





I've already had this kind of "problem" when installing software on PC.


I solved these by simplifying the destination directory of the installation directory. 


Try to install DS as close as possible to your c:\ 


Keep me informed;)


Good luck. 



Thank you Cédric for the speed of your response. Unfortunately, I don't see how to change the installation path since the downloaded file is an "exe" file that automatically unzips and installs the software without leaving any choice to the installer.


Maybe there's another way to install it?



I don't know if I'm a little late, but the first question I ask myself: Where is the downloaded file? on the desktop?

Move it to the c:\ and with the explorer, run it from there.


Also be careful, check that the disk is not full (temp not cleaned), because if the temp is full (too many files) some installations have trouble working. At worst, cleaning doesn't hurt.


Installing from the desktop can cause problems because some multi-lingual versions of windows (often on laptops) go through aliases in spades, so a name "too long".