Unable to recover save files in Driftsight


Following a bug, the Driftsight software has closed.

When I open the plans, no changes have been saved. So I'm trying to open the recovery files in C:\Users\Nom_Du_Profil_Utilisateur\AppData\Local\Temp.

And impossible to open.

FYI I have to open the files from the software because from the Windows browser I can't set it by default.

Thank you if you have a solution.

Typically, the .bak backup file is saved in the same location as the dwg or dxf file, not in the temporary directory.

If no .bak file it's because it doesn't smell good...

Thank you for your answer.

I'll look in the directory I indicated because I read it somewhere.

Otherwise yes the .bak file is in the same place. However, when I want to open it, it's impossible.

You rename it after copying it to dwg or dxf depending on the initial format. Then you open it.

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Thank you very much! I did it. :-)
The subject is therefore closed.