I can't save my SolidWorks documents in STEP.
When I try, I get an error message.
" The selected add-in is not a valid add-in in SOLIDWORKS "
I guess my SolidWorks is set up incorrectly.
Can you help me set it up correctly?
I can't save my SolidWorks documents in STEP.
When I try, I get an error message.
" The selected add-in is not a valid add-in in SOLIDWORKS "
I guess my SolidWorks is set up incorrectly.
Can you help me set it up correctly?
Hello and welcome to the forum, Charles-Eugene_FRIEDRICH,
Hoping we can help you. Can you give us the version used and or also a screenshot of your settings?.
Thank you.
Indeed, a few screenshots would help with the diagnosis.
Solidworks doesn't use an add-in to save a file in Step (except maybe if you're using the online version?, but even then I don't think it needs an add-in)... Just press " Save-As " and then choose the * format. STP
There are very few settings available for conversion to STEP (Solidworks 2022):
Kind regards.
I'm using SolidWorks 2021 and I'm working with Windows 10.
Here are the settings that I have.
Thank you for your help
Here is a screenshot of the error message I get when I try to save in STEP.
Hello Charles-Eugene_FRIEDRICH,
Thanks for the screenshots, it looks like an assembly, I advise you to save it as a part, then make this part a step.
Hello A.R
I tried to save parts alone and also assemblies in STEP but each time I get the same error message.
PS: With simple or complex parts.
Does it work if you create and then export a simple cube or not?
If it works because of this possible assembly, if even your cube doesn't export, maybe an external add-in generates a bug.
Can you provide the list of add-ins installed in SW? (in Tools, Add-ins)
For the time being, you can also test them by unchecking them completely, restart SW and redo an export step, if it works it's because one of the add-ins is generating a bug.
Otherwise it's something else.
To dig also if surface bodies in your assembly oyu imported body that he would not be able to export.
With the simple cube the export doesn't work either.
Here are the SolidWorks add-ins I have.
I tested with the 4 " SOLIDWORKS Add-ins" enabled and disabled but the export does not work in both cases.
On the other hand, I don't have the " SOLIDWORKS Composer " add-in which is enabled in the sbadenis capture
Solidworks Composer is a special application. I don't remember having this kind of problem on the 2021 (nothing in the SPRs either) so maybe a wobbly installation. Just in case, which MS of the 2021?
What happens when trying to save in other formats (IGES; Parasolid...?)
And by trying with pack & go?
Attempt a reset of the workstation with Solidworks RX.
It doesn't cost anything since it resets the settings temporarily and it will tell us if it's bad settings or something else.
To do this, close SW then launch solidworks RX and click on the link circled:
Then open the square, save it as a piece on a disk, then do an export step and give us a feedback.
If it still doesn't work I would lean towards a corrupted file in SW and therefore a repair or reinstallation is SW.
Edit which version of SW-> 2021 but which SP?
Have you tried with another format like parasolid.?
I use SP 5.1
The IGES and Parasolid export works.
The pack and go works (the part remains in the classic SOLIDWORKS format).
I opened SW in safe mode as you showed me sbadenis. But the problem remains the same. Impossible to export in STEP.
Is the " SolidWorks Composer " add-in required to export to STEP?
No, absolutely not, I don't even use it!
There is not much left other than to attempt a repair of Solidworks in my opinion.
We excluded the part, the parameters, it works with another format.
I'm leaning towards a Solidworks file (the module for export step) which is corrupted.
Disables the export options:
And reactivates them one by one if the recording works...
Other hypotheses:
Wouldn't you have another CAD/CAD software... A result that would " parasitize" WWTP exports?
I'm thinking of Autodesk, Navisworks...?
And with Mycadtools' BatchConverter it triggers the same error?
If none of that, I'm also in favor of an attempt to repair Solidworks (a repair ! not a re-installation (at least for now))
Have you tried with the 2 types of step Ap204 and Ap214?
Do you have any configurations? or macros?
And in the parts in your assembly are they in the same folder (directory)? Personally I had the same kind of problem because the parts were everywhere.
Good luck
Our parts are saved in many different places as well and no problems on more than 20 different stations and different versions tested over the last few years. On the other hand, test the different types of step 203 or 214 why not.
To be tested in macro mode:
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Sub main()
'1-) on vérifie qu'un document est ouvert
Debug.Print "1-)On vérifie qu'un document est ouvert"
Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc ' On récupère le document d'ouvert
If swModel Is Nothing Then ' On vérifie si un document est ouvert
MsgBox "Pas de document d'ouvert." + Chr$(13) + _
"Une pièce ou assemblage SolidWorks doit être ouverte, " + Chr$(13) + _
"avant de relancer cette macro."
FileTyp = swModel.GetType
If ((FileTyp = swDocPART) Or (FileTyp = swDocASSEMBLY)) Then 'Si le document est une pièce ou un assemblage
'2-)On vérifie si une config sym existe
'On vérifie si la configuration active est une configuration dérivée (Si Symétrique retour config defaut)
Set swCompModelConfig = swModel.GetActiveConfiguration
Dim vConfigName As Variant
Dim swParentConfig As SldWorks.Configuration
Dim swConfMgr As SldWorks.ConfigurationManager
Dim partTitle As String
partTitle = swModel.GetTitle
Debug.Print "partTitle:" & partTitle
If swCompModelConfig.IsDerived Then
Debug.Print "Configuration dérivée:" & swCompModelConfig.IsDerived
Debug.Print "Pause"
Dim swConfig As SldWorks.Configuration
Set swConfig = swModel.GetConfigurationByName(vConfigName)
' Process parent
Set swParentConfig = swCompModelConfig.GetParent
If Not swParentConfig Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print " Parent = " & swParentConfig.Name
swModel.ShowConfiguration2 (swParentConfig.Name)
End If
End If
'2-)On enregistre en step
Debug.Print "2-)On enregistre en step"
swModel.Extension.SaveAs Left(swModel.GetPathName, InStrRev(swModel.GetPathName, ".")) & "STEP", 0, 0, Nothing, 0, 0
MsgBox (Left(swModel.GetPathName, InStrRev(swModel.GetPathName, ".")) & "step sauvegardé")
'4-)On enregistre en step la config sym si existante
'Pour toutes les configurations du modèle 3D
configNames = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
For Each ConfigName In configNames
Debug.Print "4-Nom de config:" & ConfigName
Set swConfig = swModel.GetConfigurationByName(ConfigName)
Set swCustPropMgr = swConfig.CustomPropertyManager
If ConfigName Like "*Sym*" Then
If ConfigName Like "*Sym*Sym*" Then
MsgBox "Attention Symétrie de Symétrie merci de corriger votre assemblage et supprimer cette configuration: " & ConfigName
End If
'Mis en commentaire jusqu'au passage en pièce SYM sur 2 MEP
'If swModel.GetCustomInfoValue(ConfigName, "Symetrie") <> "" Then
'On active la config Sym
swModel.ShowConfiguration2 (ConfigName)
Debug.Print "4)On enregistre en step le Sym"
Debug.Print Left(swModel.GetPathName, Len(swModel.GetPathName) - 7) & "-SYM.STEP"
swModel.Extension.SaveAs Left(swModel.GetPathName, Len(swModel.GetPathName) - 7) & "-SYM.STEP", 0, 0, Nothing, 0, 0
MsgBox (Left(swModel.GetPathName, Len(swModel.GetPathName) - 7) & "-SYM" & ".step sauvegardé")
'End If
End If
MsgBox "Pas de pièce ou assemblage d'ouvert." + Chr$(13) + _
"Une pièce ou assemblage SolidWorks doit être ouvert, " + Chr$(13) + _
"avant de relancer cette macro."
End If ' Fin vérification si un plan est ouvert
End If ' Fin vérification si un document est ouvert
End Sub
I would be very surprised if it works, but you never know!
Copy paste into a new macro and then launch it with F5