Hi all 

As some have mentioned, the myCADtools tools no longer work since this weekend due to an internal malfunction;  

This bug will be corrected during the day by our teams and you can still contact technical support so that they can manually access the restart of the tools. 

We are sorry for this inconvenience and would like to keep you informed of the restoration of the myCADtools. 

We remain at your disposal, 


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Since this weekend, there is indeed a problem on the 2020 and 2021 versions of myCADtools, related to an end of certificate (signatures of our dlls and exe)

This generates an error and a message related to registration.

This morning, we released a new version that fixes this issue.

Here is the latest official version that fixes this 2021 sp1.3 issue

And patches for those who don't want to migrate or reinstall

Patch 2021 = >

Patch 2020 =>

Download and unblock the file (Right-click on the downloaded file, then Properties and check the " Unblock " box)

DLL to replace in %CommonProgramFiles%\Visiativ\Shared

We apologize for this issue.

Kind regards


Thank you, it works now.



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Great it feels good when it starts up again

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It's ok for me, thank you.



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I had this message   "the tool protection tool is not found"    -"signing error"


I uninstalled mycad and used the JM Savoyat download and it doesn't put me the message anymore


Thank you 

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Hi all 

I'm so glad that our help has been beneficial to you! :)

Have a good day, Coralie 

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