Include drawings in the PACK AND GO

Hi all!

I work with SOLIDWORKS 2022 SP5.
I have an assembly and more than 100 drawings that I would like to decline in a new version for a new project.
but the SOLIDWORKS PACK AND GO doesn't take drawings, at least not all of them (about 4)

I checked "include drawings" and specify the path in "file location" but nothing to do...

I always have the solution of taking an intern to replace the references in all the drawings but I would like to avoid getting to that point


If you have the MyCad tools (given your last post I think so!) try with ProjectManager it's made for that and more powerful than pack and go. Even if the ang go pack has greatly improved since the creation of the ProjectManager no longer making it as essential but still more powerful than the PackAndGo.

Edit: Otherwise PackAndGo and you manually copy the 4 remaining plans and you reattach the PackAndGo references to it

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Hi @sbadenis !

Thank you for your answer!
it's true that I don't have the reflex to use MyCADTOOLS - it's new to me and I don't really master it

However, I'm the only one in my company who benefits from it, and I'm writing this post for a colleague!
I'll try to fix it for this time. he'll buy me a beer on occasion'

But if anyone else has an idea to use the Pack and Go function itself, I'm all for it!

As put in my previous post PackAnDGo, and for the remaining 4 plans, copy and paste the plans, rename them and modify the references. But ProjectManager should do the job more easily, it hangs up the plans better or you can add it manually otherwise, before copying.

so no, I may have expressed myself badly but the pack and go function for 4 MEP out of the +100
so I don't have 4 MEPs to do by hand but +96
which makes the task a little less fun to do... otherwise I wouldn't have screamed for help

I'll try to look into the Projectmanager!
Thank you very much for your suggestion.

Otherwise I'm always open to other proposals if someone knows how to make this famous pack and go work...

Indeed much less fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Do drawings have the same name as parts or assemblies?
Maybe that's what's blocking the detection of the shot.


Yes, it is possible but you have to respect certain rules which are as follows.
1-The plans must have the same name as the room.
2-The plan must be stored in the same folder as the 3D
If this is the case, SW will do the pack and go with the plans without problems.
may the force be with you.


Hello @OBI_WAN

thank you for your answer but I have a counter-example...
Among the 4 plans that come with the pack and go,
one of them is named "PD-*****-****-04 - Gusset for UPN160"
but the part is called "gusset for UPN"

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yes I correct
Not mandatory the same name but mandatory 2D and 3D in the same folder.

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I just did a test and it seems to work.
Let me explain.
Rather than opening the room and then doing pack and go with the plans, I did the opposite.
I opened the plan then I did pack and go and it works and it's normal since the plan points to the piece(s) so it's very easy to take them away.
May the force be with you

Thank you @OBI_WAN
the colleague who needed the info did the test: make the ang go pack from the assembly with the MEPs in the same folder
It worked!

For your second answer, I think it would also work but unfortunately there are about a hundred plans so...