Inconsistency between part list in drawing and assembly tree


In the drawing of an assembly, I insert the nomenclature in relation to a perspective view. I use the BOM Standard file for the bill of materials.
But the names of some parts do not correspond to the assembly tree.

How with the right name in the parts list?

Kind regards

PS I use SW2016

On mechanically welded there are several possibilities (your component seems to be an assembly of several mechanically welded...) :

=> Pay attention to configurations (Parts and Assemblies).
=> It is possible that several extrusions (mechanically welded), or parts, are on top of each other.
=> The BOM is not assigned to good view.
=> Updated the list of welded parts (Parts / Assembly)
=> The designation assigned to the part is not the correct one.
=> The component refers (external references) to another file.
=> BOM options: "Display configurations of the same part separately" Versus "Display configurations with the same name under a single item".

Kind regards.


Hello MacLane

Good note: => Pay attention to the configurations (Parts and Assemblies).

I had parts with in the configuration with: user-specific name instead of Document Name

Kind regards