Revision Table Increments

Hi all.


I would like the revision tables to increment in M1, M2, M3...


I found the option for this point but only the numerical or alphabetical increment

are offered.


Has anyone ever managed to change that?


Thank you in advance.


PS: :) Soon the weekend, coooool!!!    :)-



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Sorry I don't think it's possible!


Edit: maybe with Enterprise PDM, do you have it?


A very impractical solution would be to add an "M" grade in front of the revision...

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With EPDM there is no problem.


As said @Lucas with EPDM it's easy to do.


If your rooms don't go up too much in service (apparently you're on special machines), you can get away with SmartProperties.

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We have EPDM but I don't know how to make the PDM link

and the revision table which is in our Plan Funds.


Otherwise I may try to add a note M in front of my numerical increment.

So it's okay, you have to make the complete list of increments and retrieve it in the Drawing


@flegendre should be able to explain all this to you, he has mastered it perfectly.

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Olivier, the Revision in your SolidWorks basemap is linked to a SolidWorks property and in theory to an EPDM variable.

In the EPDM you need to create "a new revision number component"

You select "List Value"

and you create your list of revision numbers (M1,M2,M3,.............................)


You must now link this new type of revision with your workflow (WF).

In each step of your WF, in the Revision No. tab, you must replace the existing Revision No. with your new Revision No.

Do the same in the transitions of your WF.






Without the use of PDM...

I found a semblance of a solution.


In the document properties, you go to table / revision / alpha/numeric control

And you choose 1,2,3


Then, in the customization window, you add a new property named M.


Then on your revision table you create a column to the left of your revision table.

In this column that you just created you click on it and the properties appear, you choose custom, and in the drop-down menu, select M.


Add a revision to your table.... And that's it. Then it's about the layout.

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