Inlay of letters, numbers, various shapes

Hi all.

I need to embed letters and numbers on panels. The latter have numbers and letters hollowed out by the removal of material. I want to reproduce these letters and numbers but, for example, with 0.5 mm less on their sides so that they fit into my footprints. I tried with the "Offset entities" function, but then you have to erase the first outline, which is very long and tedious.

Is there a way to change all the dimensions of a shape like a letter, a number, etc.

(Solidworks Premium 2014)

Thank you and have a good day.


@ you to take back all your perimeter surfaces and thicken


What do you mean by "taking back all your perimeter surfaces and thickening"?

There is no function like this?

I just found this that would look like it would do the job, but no way to get my hands on the tool. I don't know where he is.


On a complete piece; Insertion / Functions / Scale

On a Sketch: Tools / Sketching Tools / Scale

Kind regards


Thank you d.roger.

Interesting feature that I just tested. Unfortunately not adequate with my needs. It's a shame that Solidworks doesn't have the function mentioned above:


For what you want to do, the "Offset entities" function should meet your needs but to avoid having to delete all the base entities you have to check the option to convert the base entities to construction, see HERE.

Kind regards

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And for the function available on Créo, it is possible to make an equivalent via a macro, subject of course to knowing how to create macros...

It's perfect. I tested. Then, removal of material. It's laborious but effective.

No, unfortunately I don't know how to do macro. I did this years ago in Excel, but since then... And under Solidworks, never.