Inserting a table into the basemap


I noticed that it was impossible to add a table (Standard Table, or Revision Table) in the basemap.
Do you know if there is a way around this and if not, why is it blocked?

SolidWorks: 2016

Thank you!

Try to insert your tables into the drawing template and not the baseplane.

Yes, that's what is currently being done.
What bothers me is that when we create a new sheet, these elements are not present and we have to add them manually.

You understand?

I understand, currently your tables are in the basemap or in the drawing template?

In the drawing template. Simply because I can't add a table in the background plan (It's no longer in the list of tables and if I try to copy and paste it doesn't add it to me).

I think I've found it.


When you are in your drawing template, go to the document options/properties.

Then go to "Tables" and then to each type of table you want to add, you have the option to check a box in "multi-sheet style"

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Here's what I have in the tables, I don't see the "Multiple sheet style" box.

In review


But I'm really not sure about my move^^

Ah! But in fact we don't use a revision table.

What I would like is to add a general table.

It's here for the multi-sheet style:

But I think you can't insert a table because the location of the files has been lost, have you checked in system options/file location/ see if the table template has a path or have you created your own general table?


Yes, I saw :) But that's not really what I'm looking for.

What I want is to be able to insert a table into the basemap, but this function only links the sheets at the revision level.


Edit: "or have you created your own general table?"

What if you save your general table in excel format and insert the excel on the template?

I think it's doable, but it's not a valid option.

Because our table holds references in the properties of the file (It's a revision table linked to the EPDM). So it must be able to remain dynamic.

And Excel tables slow down the opening of drawings as well.

"... I don't think it's possible to insert the painting into the background plan.

On the other hand, you can save your table in Excel format, then insert the Excel file in all your sheets. Also, if you check the "Link" option, editing the Excel file will change the table on all sheets.

You can also create a block, with sketch lines to make the table and notes... "


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From what I understand how basemaps work: a basemap is just graphic entities (lines, notes).

Optionally, you may be able to add a macro that will add the sheet, insert the baseplane, and insert the desired table.

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Well, let's say it's impossible. Because for me, inserting an Excel table is really not a solution.

Thank you.

I look into the subject when I have a little more time;)

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