Additional installation on solidworks prenium 2012 (scan to 3D)


Here I want to transfer my solidwoks prenium 2012 sp04 to another PC (windows 7 ). One problem, I don't have the installation CD anymore.

I went to lynkoa's website to download the sw 2012 sp05 version:

I was able to recover the serial numbers (in modified programs) 

During the installation I checked the additional obtion of SW 

I transferred the licensses.

During the reading the indication Prenium is displayed, but I am missing complements compared to before when I look in Tools > Add-ons....

and I especially miss scan to 3D which I use a lot 

How do you get it back?

Thank you

Isn't there a checkbox during installation?

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Yes, and I ticked everything right.

I'm in the process of re-installing Solidworks, and I was wondering if the lynkoa cpm download folder was the Premium version, or if the supplements should be downloaded later?

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Normally everything is downloaded at the same time. On the other hand, are you sure that the PREMIUM license is on your computer? because it is this that gives access to the complement SCANTO3D.

Have you tried to activate other add-ons that require the Premium license???

Kind regards

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 yes I think I have installed sw Prenium


here are the add-ins that I can activate, while I need scan to 3D

Probably a stupid question, but have you downloaded and installed the mycadtools as well???

no, it could help me correct the problem?

Possible because scan to 3D may be part of the Mycad components just like other add-ons! 

Have a good end of the day

No, it didn't work

This may come from the fact that I am not subscribed to maintenance and therefore my serial number would be "expired" so Solidworks does not allow me to access Prenium obtions?

I don't think so, because if at the time you had bought a Premium license, you bought it it's yours! Only today's updates are not accessible (and maintenance of course)

I don't really see there... uninstall, reinstall!? I don't really know, sorry...

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Hello, with your login you have logged in to the website maybe you could try another version of Solidworks (without bugs!?)

Personally, I don't have access to versions prior to 2012, I don't know why.

But maybe you would find what you were looking for??  


Have a good end of the day



Here after 3 months I find the solution to my problems by following this method: