Integration: Change of basemap + PDF creation

Hi all!

I could use a little help with the use of Integration.
I want to use it for my plans:

  • Change the background map of all sheets to suit my format
  • Create a PDF in the folder where the document is located

So far, so good, not too complicated. On the other hand, I would like my plan. SLDDRW is not saved with this new basemap. However, in the action settings, I did uncheck the save option.

I tried to change the background plan after saving the .pdf, but inevitably the execution takes twice as long.

Thank you for your help, have a nice day!

Hello c_vuillaume,
It may have nothing to do with it, but I found it on the web, hoping it could help. =>
or maybe this =>

we would need the details of the operations requested under Integration as well as the version of the MycadTools tools used (the one of Solidworks too):
Also pay attention to the visual in front of the operations...


It is not impossible to register either conditioned by the type of opening...