Interested in fluid mechanics?

Fluid flow.

Here are some basic concepts to observe for a rational circulation of water in the pipes.


Things to consider:

1. The flow rate

2. The speed of water circulation

3. The inner diameter of the pipes.


In the everyday language of professionals (plumbing, irrigation etc....)

The flow rate is expressed in M3/hour

Speed in meters per second

The inner diameter of the pipes in millimeters.


In practice, the following speeds are commonly accepted:

1. Pump suction pipes from 0.5 to 1.5 meters/second

2. Discharge pipes from 1.65 to 3 meters/second


Here are  three simple formulas that allow you to determine the flow rates, velocity, and inner diameters of the pipes without changing

the current units used.

The common denominator is 353.7


See attached image file. MDF Formula


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Can you make a tutorial so that a greater number of people can benefit from this information.

Maybe you can detail the different choices you give.

Thank you

Kind regards


Exactly. This is more of a tutorial than a question...

It takes less than 5 minutes to publish a tutorial with a PDF cheeky

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Good idea


It is true that a small tutorial would be welcome and ideally, for the uninitiated, concrete examples


Have a nice day


I agree with @jmsavoyat for his proposal for a dedicated tutorial.

